A downloadable game

This project was created as part of an after school enrichment program called "The Science of Video Games". We spent four weeks designing and building a game from scratch. 

Week 1 - Defining the Core Game Loop

Each student was able to create their own "pitch" for a game. They were given some simple instructions to narrow the scope of the game to something we could manage in four weeks. The students voted on which concept they liked best, and we then defined the core gameplay loop.

Week 2 - Level Design

Each learner was given some instructions on the parameters of the game, and then we went to work designing levels. Each student was able to design a unique level for the game. It was truly inspiring to see the creativity at work.

Week 3 - Designing the Systems

The learners were able to play a prototype of their levels and define additional systems to implement. We collected feedback on ways we could make the game better.

Week 4 - Debuggging and Play Testing

With most of the game complete, we spent time playing the levels again to find bugs and make additional improvements to the levels.



Install instructions

The .zip download file contains a folder with all of the necessary game files. Simply extract the folder and open "BowlingFun.exe" to play the game. You may get a warning from Windows depending on your system settings, but the folder does not contain any malicious files.

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